London by Night

London by night

I lived for five months in the bustling city London. There is so much to see and do in this city that I’m convinced I can go there another ten times (or more!) and discover something new every time. Where should you definitely go when visiting London? There is always one thing that pops to mind immediately when I’m asked this question: Westminster Pier by night.

Every tourist comes to Westminster Pier during the day, to see the Big Ben or to pass the Thames to visit the London Eye. During the evening, you will still find many tourists around, but the atmosphere is completely different. Almost any city transforms from normal to magical as soon as it’s dark and the lights are lit, but since at Westminster Pier you have a view over the Thames it gives you that extra five percent of magic. The water reflects the London Eye’s and Parliament’s lights providing a view that is a must see when visiting London.
During my stay in London I also once took a Big Bus tour through London when it was already dark. While I’m usually not “pro-bus city tour”, this was actually quite special because I could see everything lit up. I have to admit I received the tickets for free at the hotel I was working, but if you consider doing such a bus tour- by night it is completely different than during the day. My conclusion? London by night is even more magical than London by daylight!

London by night

Photo credit to my father

If you have ever been to London before, then share your “must see” for visiting London.

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