Fish and Seafood in Edinburgh

seafoodinedinburghEdinburgh is situated right at the coast of Scotland. The city has its own harbour and is not unknown to fresh fish and seafood. Many restaurants serve fish and seafood. And no, I don’t mean fried fish at the pubs (which is a must try in the UK anyway at least once). During my visit to Edinburgh there were two fish/seafood dishes that I loved, thatyou should definitely consider trying too.

Have any of you ever heard of Cullen Skink Soup? I hadn’t heard of it prior to ordering it at a cute Scottish Pub (along the Royal Mile in Edinburgh). Cullen Skink Soup is a thick Scottish soup made from potatoes, onions, and haddock. It originates from the Moray region of Scotland – which is situated in the north of Scotland. The soup was served with some bread and made for a great and filling lunch. So, if you want to try a (new) fish dish in Scotland see if you can find a place that serves Cullen Skink.


If you want to go for seafood instead, consider going to The Café Royal. They have a very fancy restaurant, but next door also an area that is more of a pub. The nice thing is: they share the kitchen. So it doesn’t really matter that much to which place you go, only the atmosphere is different. They were fully booked at the restaurant when we arrived there so we went to the pub, and I have to say in the end we didn’t mind at all. The host of the restaurant was a bit snappy and not polite at all, but we had a great time at their pub! And the food we ordered? This delicious seafood platter!


All right, it’s not cheap to get this beautiful arrangement of seafood (55 pound), but it is so worth it. The flavours are all honest and fresh, and just…jummy! They also have oysters, mussels, Cullen Skink(!), and other varieties of fish and seafood on their menu if this platter is a bit too much for your likings.

I hope I didn’t make you longing for fish and seafood now 😉 Why don’t you share in the comments what your favourite fish/seafood dish is you’ve ever tasted?

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