Review: Shoot! – Photograph with your Heart


Unfortunately at this point the book is only for sale in Dutch.

While exploring the world, I love to take photographs to capture certain memories – that beautiful beach, an amazing cosplay at a convention, or that irresistible plate of pasta. In order to keep improving I’m glad to browse for practical tips and utilise those in new photos I make. Recently, I received the Dutch book Shoot! by Anki Wijnen from my sister. It’s a practical photography book with many tips and challenges to further your skills.

The book is split up in 8 different subjects: Creativity, Composition, People, Products & Interiors, Food, Photography with your Smartphone, Tips & Tricks, and Techniques. Anki writes in every chapter from own experiences. She describes where she came from and how practice has helped her develop. She added plenty of examples of her own work to illustrate what she is writing about. Anki truly practices what she preaches. What I really like about the book are the little “DIY” parts. Here Anki challenges you to try something different and new. For example, in the chapter about food the DIY is about photographing a recipe you cook from beginning to the end. So you start with a photo of all ingredients laid out and you finish with a photo of your styled dish.



The book isn’t very technical and I really like that about the book. There is one chapter dedicated to all tech parts of camera’s such as the shutterspeed and different kinds of lenses for your camera. But that is really it, all is focused on practice, practice, practice, oh and trying new things 😉 And last but not least, if you are looking for a great (Dutch) photo challenge have a look at Anki’s blog – where you can also purchase her book.

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