A tribute to The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

This week Mockingjay Part 2 is releasing, the last instalment of the Hunger Games franchise. Good reason for a tribute to the books and movies. I bought all three books four years ago when I was in London with a friend. I ended up reading them back to back during my summer holidays. I LOVED them. While I guess no-one really wants to live in a Hunger Games kind of world, the books were written so well that I could easily imagine being part of the crowds watching the reaping or being side by side with Gale and Katniss hunting. Suzanne Collins did an amazing job in pulling her readers into the story. Therefore, I really wanted to take a moment and review the amazing franchise on the blog. Because as you might know by now, travelling via a work of fiction is something I love to do as well.

I was super stoked by the time the first movie released – and even managed to visit the London premiere of The Hunger Games where I saw (and received autographs, with exception of Josh, of) Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks, and Chris Hemsworth. Yes I know, major fan girl moment!


The first movie was definitely up to expectations. I walked out of the cinema even more excited for the series than I already was, and they did such a good job capturing the feeling and atmosphere of the movie. The same can be said for Catching Fire. I honestly was a bit doubtful for the last two movies. The third instalment was my least favourite of the books, and I wasn’t sure whether splitting the book into two movies was necessary. But Mockingjay part I was good and now I can’t wait for the last movie either. All the amazing promotional photos and posters promise for a great finale.


I’ve loved every moment of this franchise and cannot wait for the last movie. Suzanne Collins, thank you very much for everything you gave us by writing these books!

Are any of you planning to visit the movie theatre any time soon for Mockingjay Part II?

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