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Christmas market in Brussels

It’s the beginning of December so it is time for a blog about Christmas markets! Germany is very much known for it (later this month I’m finally visiting my first German Christmas market in Cologne!). But Brussels is definitely a city you should consider if you are planning a weekend get-a-way for Christmas. The Christmas market in Brussels...

Photo Diary: Highlands

A picture (or a photo) is worth a thousand words. During my visit to Schotland earlier this year I went to Edinburgh and Glasgow, Loch Ness, and the Highlands. I can spend a lot of time explaining how amazing the view is in the Highlands, but I rather show you.

Europe bucket list

At the beginning of 2015, very cliché at the start of a new year, I decided to make a bucket list for travelling. There are so many destinations I still want to visit and hoped that putting them down would help me go new places. So far it has worked out a little actually. I’m sharing below 5...

Paris in one day

Many people visit Paris each year. I bet you either visited Paris or are thinking of visiting. And these kind of city trips are a lot of fun (one of my favourite kind of holidays actually), but they can also be quite tiring. Therefore, more and more, people visit cities just one day. I did so as well,...

London by Night

I lived for five months in the bustling city London. There is so much to see and do in this city that I’m convinced I can go there another ten times (or more!) and discover something new every time. Where should you definitely go when visiting London? There is always one thing that pops to mind immediately when...

Lochs of Scotland

Scotland has many lochs (aka lakes). Frequently visited ones are Loch Lomond, Loch Fyne, and of course Loch Ness. Going to one of the lochs of Scotland may seem like a social gathering for tourists, but the spectacular view alone is well worth the visit. I’ve been to Loch Ness and I can only highly recommend it.

Exploring the world

There are 196 countries in the world, and so far I have visited 14 of them. Not that many you might wonder? Perhaps, but I have enjoyed visiting and exploring the special places of these countries and their cities. The countries I have been to are all situated in Europe. I dearly hope to venture outside of my...